A Halloween Cocktail to Impress Your Friends With...
I was asked by Wine Society to create and provide some images for a Halloween themed cocktail featuring their delicious red wine blend, Tempt for a collaboration with Thirsty Mag.
Anyone who knows me knows this was so up my alley I was giddy about it. Halloween is my favorite and I had a reason to play with dry ice? Insert * heart eyes *
I made a quick trip to Goodwill and Kroger to find what I needed for props and ingredients. Once I returned I jumped right into my fun project and for the next few hours of my Saturday afternoon I hammered out chunks of dry ice, strategically arranged my props, snapped a ton of pictures, and I may have just had a sip or two while I was at it. You can read the whole article on Thirstymag.com
Make Your Own
2 oz WineSociety TEMPT Red Wine
.5 oz bourbon
.5 oz simple syrup
1 large ice cube
2 Cherries for garnish
Dry ice for special effect
Shake ingredients together, pour. Rub orange peel on glass rim. Garnish with cherries. Add dry ice for spooky effect
**Always handle Dry Ice with care and wear protective cloth or leather gloves whenever touching it. An oven mitt or towel will work. Read here for more information.
-Casey Brenan
Let the dry ice dissolve before drinking this! You can get dry ice at Kroger FYI ;)
Do you have a favorite Halloween cocktail that you serve at your Halloween parties?
Happy Halloween!
Lucid Linds Photography